Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Socialist Obama, Democrats, & The Second Amendment

Socialists New Attack On Gun Owners

The socialist Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats have a new tactic to take away our Second Amendment rights. They want to blame the drug war in Mexico on all Americans who own guns.

Rahm Emanuel's famous words, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." His Socialist Democratic friends in the anti-gun movement heard him loud and clear. With the latest crisis they have discovered they can attack our Second Amendment rights.
The plan of the anti-gun activists is to have the Socialist Democrat politicians make a gun sale restrictions, gun bans, licensing and registration of guns in America part of the solution to the drug war in Mexico..more...

Mary Ann Glendon Declines Medal At Notre Dame

Ambassador Mary Glendon has declined the Laetare medal given each year at Notre Dame.


The Laetare medal was established in 1883 and is considered one of the oldest and most prestigious awards that can be given to an American Catholic. Ambassador Glendon showed her deep Christian values, ethics, and morals in declining the Laetare.

In a letter to Father Jenkins at Notre Dame declining the medal Ambassador Glendon wrote:

"When you informed me in December 2008 that I had been selected to receive Notre Dame's Laetare Medal, I was profoundly moved. I treasure the memory of receiving an honorary degree from Notre Dame in 1996, and I have always felt honored that the commencement speech I gave that year was included in the anthology of Notre Dame's most memorable commencement speeches..more...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Arlen Specter Switches To Democrats

Liberal Specter Now Officially Liberal Democrat


In a not surprising move Arlen Specter announced today that he is officially switching to the liberal Democrats. His voting record for quite some time has shown him to be a liberal. This moves the liberal Democrats one step closer to destroying a free America.

In audacity almost matching his Liberal leader Barack Hussein Obama, Specter said, "I am unwilling to have my 29 years Senate record judged by the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate.” He went on to say, "I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans." more...

Air Force One Buzzes Manhattan

Socialist Obama Administration Shows Again Lack of Understanding Of America

Socialist Barack Hussein Obama and his administration have shown again their arrogance and that they have no understanding of America or the American psyche. In a blatant disregard and ignorance of the understanding of what New York City went through on 9/11 Air Force One buzzed Manhattan for a photo op..more...

GM To Cut 21,000 Jobs & Close Pontiac

Socialist Obama & Democrats Stimulus At Work

The Socialist Obama and the Democrats stimulus package so far is working very well. Each week an additional 600,000 people lose their jobs. GM has just announced 21,000 more job cuts and will close the Pontiac Division. This stimulus package had no stimulus in it. What it contained was all pork that the Socialist Democrats wanted..more...

Will Small Business Survive Obama Tax Battle

Will Obama Destroy Small Businesses With Tax Increases?

Since last year's campaign, President Obama has vowed repeatedly not to increase taxes for families making less than $250,000 a year. That pledge, while politically popular, has left him with just two primary sources of funding for his ambitious social agenda: about 3 million high-earning families and the nation's businesses..more...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Pelosi Considers Impeachment Of Judge Bybee

Comrade Pelosi Lies To America Then Says Impeach Judge

January 20, 2009 America was turned upside down. It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with socialism..more...

Obama Should Fire Janet Napolitano

Or Does Obama Believe The Homeland Security Report?

Does liberal Barack Hussein Obama believe the Homeland Security report that says a majority of Americans are extremists and a threat? Obama if you don’t believe the report you should fire Janet Napolitano..more...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Obama And His Administration More Worried About Conservatives Than Terrorists

Socialist Democrats Say Conservatives Are Extremists

We now have Barack Hussein Obama as President of the United States. We are learning each day just how socialist he is in his views and in his actions. Obama, his administration, and the socialist Democrats are more worried about Conservatives than they are about terrorists..more...

Does Obama Understand America?

Obama Most Americans Love America And They Are Patriotic

This is America, we are the melting pot. People have different views on a plethora of subjects, however there is one constant for a vast majority of Americans. That constant is that we love our country, most of us are very patriotic..more...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Obama, Harsh Interrogation Techniques, & Water Boarding

Socialist Obama Destroying Allies Relationships

America is less safe today because of socialist Barack Hussein Obama and his policies. We are losing the ability to gather and to disseminate intelligence information. Socialist Obama ran on a platform of change. He said that he would repair the tarnished and damaged image of America and the world. The change so far is frightening..more...

Are Harsh Interrogation Techniques Torture?

Harsh Interrogation Has Saved American Lives

The debate on harsh interrogation and water boarding needs to look at several issues. Is it harsh interrogation or is it torture? Did the interrogations save American lives? Is the releasing of classified information damaging to America's safety? Is this politically motivated and pushed by George Soros and the radical left including

Friday, April 24, 2009

Socialist Obama Close To Appointing Stephen Rattner As Car Czar

Rattner Tied To Pay To Play Investigation Of The $122 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund

Showing again a lack of ethics and morals socialist Barack Hussein Obama is close to appointing Stephen Rattner as car Czar. Rattner is tied to an ongoing SEC investigation of the $122 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund. So far there have been three indictments in one guilty plea in this investigation..more...

Liberal Democrats Unpatriotic

V.P. Joe Biden & Larry King Say Liberal Democrats Unpatriotic

Larry King on his television show while interviewing Donald Trump said Rush Limbaugh is unpatriotic. King was referring to Rush Limbaugh saying that he was leaving New York City because of the extreme tax rate in New York City..more...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Miss California Threatened Because Of Her Gay Marriage Views

Radical Left Perez Hilton Verbally Attacks Miss California

Carrie Prejean, Miss California is receiving threats because she said she doesn't believe gay marriage should be legalized. See, now in America if you don't agree with the radical left liberals you are attacked. It looks as if there will only be one view in America in the future, the liberal left..more...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Obama Hints At Prosecution Of Those Who Cleared Interrogation Tactics

Socialist Pelosi Knew and Approved Of Interrogation

TacticsSocialist Barack Hussein Obama is destroying America's ability to gather intelligence information. This is the information that is needed to protect America from future attacks. By destroying the ability to gather intelligence information socialist Obama is risking American lives. more...

Rosa Brooks Appointed To Advisory Position At Pentagon

Obama Appoints Socialist With No Qualifications To Pentagon

This may be the most extreme appointment made by socialist Barack Hussein Obama yet. Los Angeles Times columnist Rosa Brooks has been made an advisor to the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Michelle Flournoy..more...

Liberals Welfare State & Union Layoffs

Unions Bet on Liberals And Lose

Throughout time unions have always backed liberal Democrats. As with the poor, the liberals have promised the unions the world. Promises liberals know they can't keep..more...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Socialist Obama Opening The Doors To Cuba

Obama Normalizing Relations With Tyrant Castro

Socialist Barack Hussein Obama made his first move in normalizing relations with tyrant Castro. This happened just days after the Congressional Black Caucus traveled to Cuba and came back euphoric after meeting the murderer Fidel Castro..more...

Obama To Propose Illegal Immigrant Reform

Americans Are Without Jobs Obama Will Give Jobs To Illegal’s

There are at least 12 million illegal immigrants in America. There are millions of Americans without jobs. Still liberal Barack Hussein Obama’s idea is to give these illegal’s amnesty and your jobs..more...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Socialists Chavez & Ortega Educate Obama

Socialist Obama This Isn’t Community Organizing

The Summit of the Americas has been another learning lesson for the socialist Barack Hussein Obama. Socialists Chavez of Venezuela and Ortega of Nicaragua were the teachers this time. Hopefully before it is too late Socialist Obama will learn this isn't community organizing..more...

Georgetown Covers Christian Symbol

Liberal Obama Anti – Christian

Would the administration of liberal Barack Hussein Obama ask a Muslim mosque to cover a religious symbol? We doubt it, so why did the Obama administration ask Georgetown to cover a religious symbol?.more...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Socialist Obama Shakes Hands With Socialist Chavez

Obama Seems Most Comfortable With Other Socialists

Socialist Obama walked across a hotel meeting room to meet Chavez for the first time. A senior US administration official who witnessed it said Obama initiated the encounter. The officials said. "The President shook his hand, smiled and then went back to his position in line.".more...

Garofalo, Olbermann & Redneck Racists At Tea Parties

Liberal MSNBC – No Ethics – No Morals – No Christian Values – No Ratings

Janeane Garofalo and Keith Olbermann of MSNBC consider anyone who went to a tea party to be ignorant, racist, redneck tea baggers. These two kept up their bashing of Americans expressing opinion for over eight minutes..more...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Homeland Security Warns Vets May Be Terrorists

Socialist Obama’s Homeland Security Says Vets Are Terrorist Threat

In another shocking display of the Socialist Barack Hussein Obama's administrations contempt for the military, Homeland Security is issuing warnings about vets. Janet Napolitano Head of Homeland Security has never met a vet that she doesn't dislike. As a vet, I take exception to this and the Obama administrations attitude regarding vets in general..more...

The Liberal Left Democrats Are Afraid Of Private Prayer

Students Threatened With Suspension For Private Prayer

The radical liberal left Democrats are attacking private prayer by two consenting adults. When did private prayer become so bad as to warrant suspension from college? Why are the radical liberal left Democrats so afraid of prayer and Christians?.more...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Over Half a Million Attend Tax Day Tea Parties Across the USA!

Liberal response to the Tea Parties, Lame, Uninformed, Scared & Angry.
Even though it has been reported that more than a half of a million people attended the Tax day Tea parties the main stream media, as predicted had little or no coverage of the events that took place in an estimated 700+ cities..more...

Tax Day Tea Parties Seen Through a Photo Lens

Here is a collection of photos taken of Tax Day Tea Parties Across the Nation April 15th

San Antonio

Pleasanton, CA.


Grand Rapids


Thursday, April 16, 2009

North Korea Defying Obama Again

North Korea Will Restart Nuclear Reactor

North Korea is defying Obama again. First was the launching of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) with enough range to reach America's West Coast..more...

Liberal Obama And His Arrogance

Obama Lack Of Experience

Liberal Barack Hussein Obama while in Europe showed both his lack of experience and his arrogance. In Europe Obama showed his "Blame-America-First" mentality.In France the Liberal Obama called America arrogant. The French and the liberal mainstream media loved it. It showed Obama's lack of experience and his arrogance..more...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day Tea Parties Booming All Over the USA!




Today is the day to UNITE AMERICA!

Show YOUR elected officials YOU mean business! Tell them NO MORE spending!.more...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Attend A Tax Day, Tea Party Tomorrow Near You!!!!!!!!

ACORN Uses Your Tax Dollars To Protest Tea Party

America tomorrow is April 15th better known as Tax Day here in America. Two important things will happen. There will be tea parties all across America protesting the outrageous government spending. Please plan to attend a tea party near you..more...

Poverty and Liberal Democrats

Why Do The Poor Keep Voting For Liberals?

The liberal Democrats keep telling those below the poverty level vote Democrat and your life will be better. The poor keep voting for the liberal Democrats, yet they are still poor so then, why do the poor keep voting for the liberals?.more...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Obama Nominates Koh As State Dept. Legal Advisor

Is Koh Another Socialist? His International Law Views Says Yes

Conservative students at Yale Law School have long disagreed with Dean Koh's views on international law. Socialist Obama has nominated Koh , who until last week was the Dean of Yale Law School, to be the State Department's legal adviser. In that job, Koh would forge a wide range of international agreements on issues from trade to arms control and help represent our country in such places as the United Nations and the International Court of Justice..more...

Obama Says America Isn’t A Christian Country

America Is Christian Is Obama?

While in Turkey the liberal Obama said several things that should give America pause to reflect on those words. First was, "that we can create a modern international community that is respectful, that is secure, that is prosperous; that there are not tensions, inevitable tensions, between cultures, which I think is extraordinarily important.".more...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

American Hero Capt. Phillips Free

Breaking News!!! Three Somali Muslim Pirates Dead

The U.S. Navy took charge of the sea at 7:19 pm local time. American hero Capt. Phillips was free. Three of the Somali Muslim pirates were dead..more...

American Held Hostage Day 5

Does Socialist Obama & Democrats Care?

American hero Capt. Richard Phillips is being held hostage for a fifth day. The lifeboat with him and four Somali Muslim pirates is drifting toward shore. The boat is reported to be within 40 miles of land at this time..more...

Easter Greetings

We hope you have a blessed day with family and friends. Please remember our troops.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

American Held Hostage Day 4

4 Somali Muslim Pirates Hold U.S. Navy At Bay

American hero Capt. Richard Phillips escaped from the Somali Muslim pirates, promptly the Muslim pirates got him back. Our Navy was able to do nothing. Capt. Phillips was in the water, free. Why is that lifeboat still afloat?.more...

Geraldo Rivera Make Illegal Aliens Legal

Rivera Says McCain Lost Over Illegal Aliens

Geraldo Rivera was being interviewed on radio and the topic was illegal aliens. Having personally never been a fan of Rivera's after this interview I am definitely not. Rivera is very pro-illegal alien and wants to make them legal in America..more...

Friday, April 10, 2009

American Held Hostage Day 3

Somali Muslim Pirates Are Called Criminals By Hillary Clinton

The Somali Muslim pirates must not have heard socialist Barack Hussein Obama as he told the world America is not at war with Islam. For Obama’s information America and the world already knew we weren’t at war with Islam. We are at war with Islamic terrorists and now Somali Muslim pirates..more...

Liberalism: Danger Signs

Liberalism Breeds Rampant Deception And LiesContributed by Brenda D. BallardIn every form, whether political, social, or religious, liberalism is riddled with danger. "Liberalism" as used in this writing, is the attitude and practice of changing established laws, both of God and of man, from that which is moral, reasonable, and time-tested – in the case of man's laws – to ideologies that are unjust and destructive to societies and nations. In the case of God's laws, "liberalism" adds to, subtracts from, and makes changes to God's revealed and infallible instructions for our social, spiritual, and eternal survival..more...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Socialist Obama, Democrats Embrace Murderer Castro

Obama, Democrats Want Cuban Style Government In America

Socialist Barack Hussein Obama vowed during the 2008 presidential campaign to loosen the longstanding travel embargo on Cuba. Key members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) met with Fidel Castro in Havana this week. It matters not to the socialist Democrats the thousands of deaths caused by murderer Castro..more...

Hollywood Comes To Washington

Obama Hires A Liason To Get Him "In" Tight With The HollyWood Elite

Anyone who watches the wildly popular television show House, was saddened last night at the demise of Dr. Lawrence Kutner. Kutner played by actor Kal Penn had bigger and better things to move on to. He has left Fox's House for the White House..more...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Obama America Is Not Arrogant

America Has Nothing To Apologize For

Barack Hussein Obama is the only American President to go to a foreign country and denigrate our great country. Socialist Obama has embarrassed and disgraced America in front of the world. Obama has spent the last week in Europe without saying anything good about America and continually showing his disdain for America..more...


Our Morality Needs To Be Checked By Biblical Standards

"See that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but wise," Ephesians 5:17..more...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

America Arrogant or Socialist Obama Arrogant

Why Does Obama Hate America?

Socialist Barack Hussein Obama America isn’t arrogant. America is the reason there is a Europe for you to tell we are arrogant. It was American blood that freed Europe not once but twice. Socialist Obama it is you and the Europeans who are arrogant..more...

The Liberal Left Blame Conservatives For Increased Gun Sales

Could it be that people have seen the crime and corruption in Chicago and know Fascist Obama better?

Fascist Barack Hussein Obama is opposed to the 2nd Amendment. That was until he started running for President and when in gun country said he is for the 2nd Amendment. Obama opposed the right of people in Washington DC to own guns..more...

Monday, April 6, 2009

North Korea Is A Puppet Of China

Obama U.N. Will Do Nothing About Missile Launch

Turning to the U.N. and the U.N. Security Council accomplishes nothing. China and Russia will block any American resolutions. North Korea ignores all U.N. resolutions. North Korea is a puppet of China doing what China wants. Nothing will happen about the missile launch..more...

Notre Dame Sells Out To Fascist Obama

Are there No Christians To Speak At Notre Dame?

The Rev. John Jenkins has polarized the Catholic community nationwide and all true Christians. Is this really post Christian America? Do Christians no longer have a voice in America?.more...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Send an Easter Greeting to Our Troops

Please don't forget our Troops this Easter season

This Easter season, as we at home give thanks and welcome spring and the fresh rebirth that comes with it, show your troops serving overseas in a time of war that you are re-committed to another year of supporting them and their efforts!

Thank you America! and Thank You to our troops, you are hereos.

North Korea Launches Missile

What Will Socialists Obama & Clinton Do?

Pyongyang has joined the missile age. North Korea wasted very little time after the inauguration of socialist Barack Hussein Obama to test an intercontinental ballistic missile. Biden said within 6 months socialist Obama would be tested. This was it..more...

Liberal Obama, Democrats, & Fascism

Obama & Democrats Trying To Turn America To Fascism

Each day the liberal Barack Hussein Obama is in office the closer America comes to fascism. Those Americans over 40 remember fascism. Those under 40 will have a harder time since the textbooks have been rewritten and children have been taught the government takes care of them. The main leaders of fascism were Hitler and Mussolini..more...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Socialist Obama Bows to Saudi King

Obama King Abdullah’s Serf

Is socialist Barack Hussein Obama the President of the USA or a serf of King Abdullah’s? Since when did an American President act as if they were a serf to a Saudi? Was this taught in the Muslim schools Obama attended?.more...

Liberal Democrats Hate The Military

New York Roadblocks For Military To Vote Absentee

The ultra liberal military hater Barack Hussein Obama showed earlier this month his hatred for the military. The medical coverage plan Obama devised was a slap in the face to all Patriotic Americans. Now the liberals in New York are showing the same hatred..more...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Does Socialist Obama Destroy Jobs?

Is It Obama’s Goal To Destroy Jobs?

Business needs a stable predictable environment if it is to create jobs. Changes in the regulatory environment and the tax code make it almost impossible for businesses to make investments. Socialist Obama and his minions seem to do all they can to prevent a stable predictable environment..more...

AIG Executives Pressured To Contribute To Dodd

Dodd Again Shows No Ethics

Liberal Chris Dodd shows once again his total lack of ethics and morals. We know of the sweetheart deals he recieved for his home mortgage with Countrywide. We know the problems at Countrywide. We know Dodd lied about AIG. Once caught in his lie the liberal Dodd did what liberals always do he blamed others..more...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Socialist Obama Making Pact With Communist China

Does Obama Want To Learn More Takeover Moves?

Socialist Barack Hussein Obama has accepted an invitation to visit China later this year. Socialist Obama has accepted an invitation from President Hu Jintao. Obama and Hu met in London ahead of the G-20 economic summit. Hu can chastise socialist Obama again about Obama’s out of control spending..more...

Sebelius Liberal With $7,000 In Tax Problems

Sebelius Another Lapse In Ethics

Health and Human Services nominee Kathleen Sebelius recently corrected three years of tax returns and paid more than $7,000 in back taxes after finding "unintentional errors" — the latest tax troubles for an Obama administration nominee. Another ethics problem for liberal Sebelius and a recurring problem for the liberal Democrats..more...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Obama Fires Rick Wagoner At GM

Socialists Force Chrysler To Merge With Fiat

What the socialists don’t want you to know is that the socialist green mandates is what has so severely hurt GM and Chrysler. The socialist Barack Hussein Obama also doesn’t want America to know that 3 of the top 10 sellers in 2008 were American trucks..more...

Liberal Obama Hires AIG Director To Be On Task Force On Tax Reform

Another Lapse Of Ethics And Morals By Obama

This week President Barack Hussein Obama named members to his new Task Force on Tax Reform. One of those named has a 20 year history with AIG on the board of directors. Martin Feldstein, a professor of economics at Harvard University, has been on the board of American International Group since 1988..more...