Monday, August 31, 2009

Pete Stark “Democrat Blue Dogs Are Brain Dead”

Hardliner Democrats Attack The Moderate Democrats

Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee’s Health Subcommittee, Pete Stark (D-CA) called Blue Dogs “brain dead.” Intolerance of the left wing of the Democratic Party’s members of Congress for those who do not agree with them on Obamacare health care reform is on display again..more...

America Says Replace Entire Congress

Only 25% of Voters Nationwide Say Keep Those In Congress

More than half of voters surveyed in a recent Rasmussen poll say they would prefer to replace every member of Congress next November. Only 25% of voters nationwide would keep the current batch of legislators in Congress. Congressional Republicans better listen too..more...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Five of Obama’s Obamacare Lies

America’s Trust of Obama Decreases With Each Lie He Tells

America do you ever think about what elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama thinks about your intelligence? Obama never hesitates to lie to you America. That is why America’s trust of Obama and Obamacare health care is decreasing..more...

Senator Mike Enzi Speaks Out On Obamacare Health Care

Senator Enzi GOP Weekly Radio And Internet Address

Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY) a Republican member of the Senate’s (“Gang of Six”) used Saturday’s GOP weekly radio and Internet address to sharply criticize the Democrats reform plan. Senator Enzi took the opportunity to speak out on Obamacare health care..more...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Doctors vs. Obamacare Health Care

Doctors Know Obamacare Hurts America’s Health Care

The White House had a health reform conference call with approximately 1900 doctors across America. Many doctors feel like the majority of Americans about Obamacare health care. They don’t want it..more...

Christian Values vs. Elitist Progressive Liberals

The Constitution DOES NOT say “Separation of State and Religion”

The elitist progressive liberals and groups like the ACLU continually attack Christian symbols, words, and values. They use the First Amendment of the Constitution as their defense for these attacks..more...

Friday, August 28, 2009

John Mackey Eight Health Care Reforms

Unions Picket Try To Close Whole Foods Because Of Proposals

John Mackey CEO of Whole Foods in a Wall Street Journal editorial suggested the eight following health care reforms. For this the unions are picketing his stores. We at SpeakNowAmerica have received correspondence since yesterdays article denouncing Mr. Mackey and those who oppose Obamacare health care..more...

Obama & Holder On Witch Hunt In CIA

Obama Destroying America’s Safety

Elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder are on a witch hunt to destroy the CIA. Obama is destroying the safety of America to detract America from Obamacare and to appease the radical left wing Democrats..more...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

John Mackey CEO Whole Foods Under Union Attack

Are Americans Allowed To Oppose Obamacare Health Care?

John Mackey is CEO of Whole Foods the 10th largest food and drug store in America. Now unions are picketing and boycotting his stores. This is because he wrote an editorial in the Wall Street Journal opposing Obamacare health care. The union thugs are trying to suppress free speech..more...

Major Democrat Fund Raiser Arrested For Bank Fraud

Hassan Nemazee National Finance Chair For The DSCC Arrested

National Finance Chair for the DSCC Hassan Nemazee who helped raise $115 million for the DSCC in 2006. He now has been arrested for bank fraud. Nemazee was charged with allegedly defrauding Citigroup Inc..more...

Obama Sends Tammy Duckworth To Defend VA Death Book

Obama Silent As Surrogates Defend His Abhorrent Policy

The VA death book will not go away for elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Democrats Organize To Disrupt Town Hall Meetings

Community Organizer Obama’s Minions To Disrupt Paul Ryan’s Meetings

Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) is one of the leading opponents of Obamacare health care. Representative Ryan has several town hall meetings set up in his district over the next 2 weeks to discuss Obamacare health care..more...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ABC Obamacare Health Care

ABC Denies First Amendment Rights To Advertising

Why is ABC using censorship and denying League of American Voters the right to run an ads opposing Obamacare health care. The ABC decision proves the American people are winning this debate..more...

Democrats Staying Clear Of Town Halls

Democrats Afraid Of Voters On Obamacare Health Care

Just 17 of 58, less than a third of the elitist progressive liberal Democrat Senators are holding town halls back home. Of the 263 Democrats in the House, 91 were holding town hall meetings or any forums for voters, just over a third..more...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Sarah Palin Obamacare Health Care

Charles Krauthammer Says ‘Sarah leave the room’

Charles Krauthammer at a recent Town Hall column wrote this condescending nonsense about asking Palin to “leave the room” while “we have a reasoned discussion about end-of-life counseling.” The people who need to leave the room in this discussion are the elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama and Democrats. They are the ones who want "death panels."more...

Obama Administration Stops Military Flyover

Obama Is Anti-Christian Refuses Salute American Military

Elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama has again shown his anti-Christian feelings. This time Obama includes our military men and women in his strong belief that America is not a Christian country..more...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

David Axelrod Conflict Of Interest

Obama Change And Transparency Is Corruption

Elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama campaigned on change and transparency. So far the change is the most corrupt administration in modern history. Since day 1 Obama appointees have shown total lack of concern for the law. Tax evaders and people under corruption investigations abound in positions and in nominees who removed themselves from consideration..more...

White House Now Admits To Sending Unwanted Email

After First Insisting No One Was Receiving Unsolicited Emails From The White House.

We have seen this pattern all through out this administration. Lie first, tell the truth only after all lies have been exhausted. In regards to the unsolicited email in which the White House had vehemently denied sending out..more...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Is Obama Destroying The American Dream?

Zogby Poll Says American Dream Is Over

Have the socialist moves of elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama and Democrats made Americans fear they can’t attain the American Dream? Is Obama destroying the American dream? Zogby poll indicates the American dream is over..more...

Obama Revives VA Death Book

VA Pushing Death As Alternative To Treatment For Vets

When the government can steer vulnerable individuals to conclude for themselves that life is not worth living, who needs a death panel? The elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama administration and former General Eric Shinseki have reinstated a program called “Your Life, Your Choices.” more...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ted Kennedy Massachusetts Democrat Attempts To Change Law Again

Unethical Move To Change Massachusetts Law Again To Replace Kennedy

A cancer-stricken Sen. Edward M. Kennedy has written a poignant letter to Massachusetts leaders asking that they change state law to allow a speedy replacement of him in Congress.
The note has been sent to Gov. Deval Patrick and the President of the State Senate and House speaker..more...

Henry Waxman Starts Investigation Of Health Insurance Companies

Waxman Using Dictator Type Tactics On Health Insurance Companies

Elitist progressive liberal Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and Bart Stupak (D-Mich.), chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, signed a three-page letter dated Monday..more...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cash For Clunkers & Obamacare Health Care

Obama Couldn’t Run Clunker Program Can’t Run Obamacare

Auto dealers starved for auto sales are pulling out of the cash forclunkers program. The reason being the elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama’s administration has failed dismally in running the three billion dollar cash for clunker program..more...

Harry Reid Says Obamacare “by any legislative means necessary”

Even Though America Doesn’t Want Obamacare Health Care

America doesn’t like elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama’s Obamacare health care plan. 40% of Americans believe Obamacare health care “will result in the quality of your health care getting worse.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid spokesman Jim Manley promised yesterday that the elitist progressive liberal Democrats will pass Obamacare "by any legislative means necessary." .more...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cash For Clunkers Debacle

Program Helps Foreign Carmakers Does Nothing For The Environment

Add cash for clunkers as yet another debacle for the elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama and his inept administration. At last count three billion plus dollars has been wasted.
The program does nothing for the environment. It is helping foreign carmakers with American tax dollars..more...

53% of America Opposes Obamacare Health Care

51% Fear the Federal Government More Than Insurance Companies

As America sees more of Obamacare health care the more Americans oppose it. As the elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats try to demonize the health insurance companies the opposite is happening..more...

Robert Novak Diehard Conservative Dies at 78

Robert Novak

February 26, 1931 – August 18, 2009

Political columnist Robert Novak, considered to be a diehard conservative, pugilistic debater and proud owner of the "Prince of Darkness" title, died Tuesday after a battle with brain cancer. He was 78. more...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Obamacare Health Care No To Grandma

Elitist Progressive Liberal Obama And Democrats Don’t Care About Senior Citizens

A tribute to Robert Novak Thursday

Obamacare health care is about saying no to grandma. Elitist progressive Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats don’t care what happens to grandma. For them Obamacare health care is about control over America and the citizens be damned..more...

Eric Massey Betrays People In His District

Massey States He Doesn’t Care What People Want

A tribute to Robert Novak Thursday

Representative Eric Massey (D-NY) at the Nutroots convention said he doesn’t care what his constituents want. Where are his ethics and morals? Where is his responsibility to the people who elected him?..more...

Monday, August 17, 2009

AARP Runs Ads Supporting Obamacare

AARP Turning Back On Senior Citizens

The AARP can’t have it both ways. Saying they haven’t endorsed Obamacare health care appears to be a lie. AARP is running TV ads supporting elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama’s health care “reform.”AARP is supposed to represent our senior citizens. They are actually turning their backs on senior citizens. AARP is selling out senior citizens for money..more...

Nancy Pelosi Calls You Un-American For No To Obamacare

Pelosi Does Support Other Group’s Protests

Elitist progressive liberal Nancy Pelosi has called Americans opposed to Obamacare health care un-American, Nazi, brown shirts, and other names. Pelosi berates Americans for protesting Obamacare and yet she for her causes believes in protests..more...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Representative Gene Green Requires Photo ID for Town Hall Meetings

Green Has Voted Against Legislation To Have Photo IDs To Vote

Elitist progressive liberal Gene Green (D-Texas) has published on his website that he will require attendees to show photo identification to get into his town halls on Obasmacare health care to prove that they're his constituents..more...

Obama Uses Grandmother’s Name In Obamacare Debate

Obama Stooping Lower For Obamacare Health care

How low will elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama stoop in pitching his socialist Obamacare health care plan? To invoke his grandmother’s name in the debate is totally despicable..more...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Obamacare Health Care Educates Parents

Why Government Involvement In Child Behavior And Parenting Skills?

Obamacare is about the government's coming into homes and usurping parental rights over child care and development. Sections 440 and 1904 of the House bill (Page 838), under the heading "home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children." .more...

White House Now Resorting To Email Spamming

Does The White House Capture Information From People When They Visit Government Websites?

First it was the White House asking people to inform them of people who they believe have "misinformation" regarding health care. The Whitehouse was asking for copies of emails from people who don't agree with them, they were asking people to tattle tell on others..more..

Friday, August 14, 2009

Is Obama Taking Away Our First Amendment Rights?

Is America Allowed To Disagree With Obama?

America we have reached an all time low in American politics. Is America allowed to disagree with elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama? Are the elitist progressive liberals taking our first amendment rights from us?.more...

Obamacare Health Care Is Wrong For America

America Wants Real Health Care Reform Not Obamacare

Every day as we look at this 1000 plus page abomination health care bill we find more reasons why it’s wrong for America. The elitist progressive liberal Obama and Democrats tell lie after lie about this bill. But America is reading this bill and knows it destroys health care not improves it..more...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sheila Jackson Lee Snubs Constituents

Is This An Indication Of What Democrats Think Of Voters?

Another elitist progressive liberal town hall meeting goes awry. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) held a last minute town hall meeting on Obamacare health care. Instead of her usual emails and announcements to TV and radio stations most didn’t ..more...

Democrats Swastikas & Obama As Hitler

Dingell Plants Union Operative With Poster Of Obama

Since the town hall meetings started the elitist progressive liberal Democrats have demonized Americans for availing themselves of their constitutional rights. Nancy Pelosi et al have called hardworking Americans brown shirts, Nazis, and other names..more...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Obama Another Staged Town Hall Meeting On Obamacare

Obama Is Afraid Of Real Americans

In Portsmouth, New Hampshire elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama held yet another of his staged events. This one was on Obamacare health care and the audience was hand selected Obama worshipers..more...

Specter Town Hall Meeting On Obamacare Healthcare

"You Have Awakened A Sleeping Giant"

Elitist progressive liberal Obama and minions you have awakened a sleeping giant. They haven’t realized yet what they have done. They don’t know yet that America is waking and will be heard..more...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Is Obamacare Health Care Deadly For America?

Looking At Appointees Point To It

How much say will Obama appointees have in deciding what or if you receive health care? The bills In Congress point to a lot of decisions on your health care being made by elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama and his appointees that report only to him.At least two of elitist progressive liberal Obama’s health advisers should scare you..more...

Congress And Bernie Madoff

Both Run Ponzii Schemes

Bernie Madoff is in jail where he should be. Many Congressmen should be there with him both ran or run Ponzii schemes.Congress turned Social Security and Medicare into Ponzii schemes. Both were started as trusts..more...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Why Won’t Your Congressman Have Obamacare?

Would Ted Kennedy Be Alive Under Obamacare?

Our Congressmen are holding town hall meetings telling us how great our health care will be under Obamacare. If that’s the case why won’t our Congressmen be covered by Obamacare? Why are they exempting themselves from Obamacare?more...

Do You Really Want Congress Running Your Healthcare?

Look What Congress Has Done To Social Security And Medicare

Congress has almost destroyed Social Security and Medicare. America do you want Congress in charge of your healthcare?The elitist progressive liberals estimate the cost of Obamacare health care to be approximately one trillion dollars. Look at how well they’ve done on the clunker program as an example of how well they estimate costs..more...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Can Liberals Be Christians?

Obamacare Health care Says No

You often hear liberals say they are Christians. If they are Christians then they cannot be one of these elitist progressive liberals that support Obamacare health care. Too many times these liberals think their feel good actions are being Christian..more...

AARP Leaders Walked Out Of Dallas Town Hall Meeting

Liberal AARP Deserts Senior Citizens For Profits in Obamacare Health care

The AARP showed its true colors in a town hall meeting in Dallas...more...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Obama Brings Union Thugs To Healthcare Debate

ACORN And Union Thugs Disrupt Town Hall Meetings

Elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama is now sending his union thugs and ACORN to intimidate people who oppose Obamacare health care. At a Democratic rally in Virginia last night, elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama told supporters: “I don’t want the folks who created the mess doing a lot of talking...more...

People Who Oppose Obamacare Are They Fascists?

Obama Administration Falls To Thug Tactics To Keep Protesters Inline

Congressman Brian Baird (D-WA) said he refuses to hold in-person town hall meetings over the summer’s month-long Congressional recess. Citing the G.O.P.’s “Brown Shirt tactics” as the impetus for his decision..more...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Why Is Asking Questions So Threatening to Obama And The Democrats?

Since When Is Asking Questions Considered a Disruption?

Elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats are afraid of health care protests. The question is why are they so afraid of these health care protests? Is the reason Obama is afraid America will find out what Obamacare health care really is?more...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Snitches Being Recruited By The Obama Administration

If You Are Willing To Snitch On Your Neighbor Uncle Sam Wants YOU!

The arrogance of the elitist progressive liberal Obama is astounding. He and the other elitist progressive liberal Democrats are working daily to make America a third world socialist country. Now Obama wants people in America to be informants and snitch on other Americans..more...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

No Need To Be A US Citizen For Obamacare

Illegal Aliens Will Come In Droves Knowing They Will Get Free Medical Care

We cannot pay for our own citizens health care, our country is in the worst economic times since the 1930’s, people are losing their jobs and homes left and right and yes America the elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussien Obama and Congress will accept illegal aliens and give them free health care too. That should do wonders for our deficit..more...

Monday, August 3, 2009

TownHall Meeting Receptions Cold On Obamacare Health Care

Obama has representatives crossing the country trying to drum up support for his health care plan.

It is not working, in cities all across America from Austin, Texas to Philadelphia, PA. people are standing up and saying NO we do not want government health care. If Clunker Program Is An Example Lookout Health care..more...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Clunker Program Good For Foreign Automakers

Your Tax Dollars Pay For Foreign Cars

Elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats are speaking about what a success the clunker program is. How many of your tax dollars are going to foreign automakers? Foreign cars qualify for purchase under that clunker program..more...

Obamacare Healthcare Destroys Medicare

AARP supports Obamacare Healthcare

Elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama will cut Medicare by approximately $100 billion. Obamacare healthcare will destroy Medicare for retired Americans our senior citizens.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

AARP Endorses Obamacare Health care

AARP Deserts Senior Citizens For Money

The AARP is endorsing Obamacare health care. AARP should be the leaders of the rally against the abomination elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama calls a health care plan..more...

Make The Difference America! Get Involved!

Now Is The Time!

America, over the past couple weeks we have outlined and touched on what we, along with your great input thought were ideas to take America back. To bring America back to its core principals and values..more...