Monday, August 17, 2009

AARP Runs Ads Supporting Obamacare

AARP Turning Back On Senior Citizens

The AARP can’t have it both ways. Saying they haven’t endorsed Obamacare health care appears to be a lie. AARP is running TV ads supporting elitist progressive liberal Barack Hussein Obama’s health care “reform.”AARP is supposed to represent our senior citizens. They are actually turning their backs on senior citizens. AARP is selling out senior citizens for money..more...

Nancy Pelosi Calls You Un-American For No To Obamacare

Pelosi Does Support Other Group’s Protests

Elitist progressive liberal Nancy Pelosi has called Americans opposed to Obamacare health care un-American, Nazi, brown shirts, and other names. Pelosi berates Americans for protesting Obamacare and yet she for her causes believes in protests..more...