Thursday, September 23, 2010

Obama And Administration Believe Greatness = Government

The Belief Is Make The Government Stronger And People Weaker i.e. Socialism

Barack Hussein Obama and his administration feel that America's greatness comes from government. They are intoxicated by the power they wield and work tirelessly to make sure that their power increases while the people become weaker. This is the Democrat philosophy a stronger government and a weaker people. continued.....

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Brewer Not Afraid To Take On Obama Or SEIU

Brewer YouTube Video Shows Obama’s Real Goal

Arizona's Governor Jan Brewer is not afraid to take on Barack Hussein Obama or his thugs at the SEIU. There are certain defining moments in some politicians’ careers that take them from the status of politician to a real leader. In Arizona, the fight over SB1070 is Governor Jan Brewer’s defining moment. continued.....

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