Friday, December 18, 2009

Code Red Rally On Obamacare

Thousands Protest Obamacare Socialized Health Care In Washington

Thousands of hard working American taxpayers were in Washington this week to protest Obamacare socialized health care. The boisterous crowd chanted “Kill the bill” and “Hands off our health care.” The Senators and Representatives should start listening it they like their plush jobs in Washington..continued...

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Senator Ben Nelson (D-NB) Stopping Obamacare

Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) Selling Out Senior Citizens

Senator Ben Nelson is sticking to his convictions. He is a very conservative Democrat with firm anti-abortion beliefs. He doesn’t believe Obamacare socialized health care should have abortion coverage of any kind. The socialist Democrats have tried several wordings on abortion to appease Senator Ben Nelson and he’s not buying their legalese wording..continued...

Moms, Dads, Grandparents need a place to vent about the direction our government is taking? Go to MomsAndDadsBeHeard Forum and speak out. Help us and be part of bringing our Great country back.