Friday, November 13, 2009

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed To Be Tried In New York

Do You Trust Eric Holder To Prosecute Him?

Elitist progressive Attorney General Eric Holder said Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other Guantanamo Bay detainees will be sent to New York for trial in a civilian federal court. These men are war criminals. Why is Holder going to have these terrorists tried in civilian courts? more...

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Obamacare Or Jail

Obama And Pelosi Say Obamacare Or Jail

On ABC elitist progressive Barack Hussein Obama said that he “didn’t think the question over the appropriateness of possible jail time is the 'biggest question' the House and Senate are facing right now.... Obama said, 'penalties are appropriate for people who try to free ride the system and force others to pay for their health insurance.'"more...

Also join us at a new forum for you to express your views and concerns. Help us and be part of bringing our Great Christian country back.