Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Obama Democrats Succeed In Tucson

The Lefts Hate Mantra Is Working

Barack Obama, the Democrats, and the main stream media have spent years whipping the lunatic left into a frenzy. They are always attempting to pit the non-productive leeches against successful Americans...continued.....

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Dupnik Pima County Sheriff Should Resign

Disgraceful Attempt To Implicate Conservatives In Shooting

The left wing radical Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pima County, AZ should resign immediately. His immediate and ongoing attack of conservatives and Sarah Palin for the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Gifford’s and the deaths of six innocent people is unconscionable. continued.......

Moms, Dads, Grandparents need a place to vent about the direction our government is taking? Go to MomsAndDadsBeHeard and speak out. Help us and be part of bringing our Great country back.