Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mitch McConnell “No Higher Taxes For Anyone”

Bill To Keep Bush Tax Cuts

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is taking a stand for freedom and the hard working American Taxpayers. He is introducing a bill in the Senate that would prevent anyone from paying a higher tax rate next year than they do this year. This would effectively extend all of the Bush tax cuts for another year and give a new Congress the chance to straighten this mess out. continued.....

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Tea Party Stands Up To Socialist Smear Campaign

YouTube: Multi-Billion Campaign To Shut Down Tea Party

“The mainstream media serves up its Saul Alinsky, villainous tactics, [but] they only hurt if you allow for it to hurt you,” Breitbart told in an interview Sunday at the 9/12 Taxpayer March on Washington. Alinsky, a community organizer, wrote the book Rules for Radicals. continue.....

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