Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Obama Presidency On Verge Of Collapse

There Is No Obama Recovery

Last week was disastrous for the White House and America’s increasingly disillusioned elitist left. The new unemployment figures show what America has known for over a year. Obama’s stimulus plan is a failure. Every day Obama’s incompetence becomes more obvious even to those on the left. continued...

Moms, Dads, Grandparents need a place to vent about the direction our government is taking? Go to MomsAndDadsBeheard and speak out. Be part of bringing our Great country back.

Obama Is Politically Clueless

Elites Now Think He’s Incompetent

Barack Obama is politically lost and crushed in a vise. From the elite there are questions of his competence. From the working people there is mass anger and anxiety over unemployment. Is Obama capable of doing anything about it? continued...

Moms, Dads, Grandparents need a place to vent about the direction our government is taking? Go to MomsAndDadsBeheard and speak out. Be part of bringing our Great country back.