Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Obama's Class Warfare Tax Plan

YouTube: Rep. Paul Ryan 'Waging Class Warfare'

Barack Obama has a 'new' tax plan. He will call the new tax the "Buffett rule" after billionaire investor Warren Buffett. Buffett has publicly complained that tax breaks allow him to pay a lower rate than his secretary. Then why does Buffett's company owe the government over $1 billion in back taxes? Does Obama or Buffett explain that Buffett gets most of his income from capital gains, not earned income?....more

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Obama's Jobs Bill Makes ACORN Eligible For Tax Money

HUD Has Given ACORN $300,000

Under Barack Obama's jobs bill ACORN and other radical left-wing groups would be eligible for up to $15 billion in federal funding. Congress in 2010, passed a federal law making it illegal to use taxpayer monies to fund the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) or any organization with ties to ACORN....more

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