Friday, October 30, 2009

Taxpayer Funded Abortions In Obamacare

Pro Life Democrats Will Vote For Abortions In Obamacare

Pro life Democrats are justifying a vote for taxpayer funded abortions. They will toe the line and bow at the throne of progressive elitist Nancy Pelosi. These Democrats don’t want to be subjected to the wrath of Pelosi. Despite the lies From Barack Hussein Obama and his minions the Democrats have taxpayer funded abortions in Obamacare..more...

Obamacare Targets Health Care Businesses

Obamacare Will Destroy Health Care Businesses

The Obamacare health care bill twisted together by the elitist progressive Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats would impose an array of new taxes, fees and government mandates on major businesses in the health industry, including insurers, doctors and drugs and medical devices makers..more...