Monday, January 10, 2011

AFL-CIO Boss Union Movement Is Progressive i.e. Socialist

YouTube: Richard Trumka AFL-CIO Top Boss

The majority of Americans have known for years now that the unions are not about helping union members. They are about transforming America into a semi-socialist state that includes the taking over of public businesses. continued........

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Kathy Griffin Targeting 16 Year Old Willow Palin

The Left And Their Hatred

Kathy Griffin, comedian and another hate filled socialist elitist Democrat has a New Year’s resolution. Her resolution is to continue a verbal assault on the Palin family. In 2011, the comedian said she intends to target Sarah Palin’s 16-year-old daughter, Willow. continued......

Moms, Dads, Grandparents need a place to vent about the direction our government is taking? Go to MomsAndDadsBeHeard and speak out. Help us and be part of bringing our Great country back.