Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Reuters Pulls Article Unfavorable To Obama

Obama Attacks First Amendment

Again, America we have a President who believes he is above the law and Constitution. Socialist Barack Hussein Obama has again attacked the First Amendment. Reuters pulled an online article just 4 hours after publishing it. The title ‘Advisory: Backdoor taxes to hit middle class’..continued...

Moms, Dads, Grandparents we started a forum just for you!! Visit MomsandDadsBeHeard.Org
soon! 2010 is a MUST year to be involved. No longer can we sit back and allow our rights to disappear. The 2010 elections will be the deciding factor. Get involved, speak out!

Illegal Aliens Around The World

Illegal Aliens In America

America is this right? We are paying taxes to support illegal aliens.

If you cross the North Korean border illegally you get 12 years hard labor.

If you cross the Iranian border illegally you are detained indefinitely..continued...

Moms, Dads, Grandparents we started a forum just for you!! Visit MomsandDadsBeHeard.Org
soon! 2010 is a MUST year to be involved. No longer can we sit back and allow our rights to disappear. The 2010 elections will be the deciding factor. Get involved, speak out!