Sunday, December 6, 2009

Economic Recovery Starts With Ending Obamacare

Obamacare Will Destroy Jobs

If socialist Barak Hussein Obama is honestly concerned about the economy and the unemployed his next step will be to stop Obamacare socialized health care in Congress NOW. Just the fear of the taxes and costs of Obamacare is slowing any chance of an economic recovery. Prudent business men and women don’t invest in growth with huge new taxes on the horizon..continued...

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Kucinich Says Terrorists Have Basic Rights Of Constitution

What Gives Osama Bin Laden Your Constitutional rights?

CNSNews interviewed Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and got some interesting if not disturbing answers as to how the socialist Democrats view America, the world, and terrorists. They are moving closer to the global government and giving terrorists who have never been in America our Constitutional rights..continued...

Also join us at a new forum for you to express your views and concerns. Help us and be part of bringing our Great Christian country back.