Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Obama Stops Prosecution Of USS Cole Bomber

Eric Holder Strikes Again

In a filing this week in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, the Justice Department said that "no charges are either pending or contemplated with respect to al-Nashiri in the near future." Why won’t the corrupt socialists Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder prosecute the USS Cole bomber? continued...

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Obama Has Clinton Report Arizona To UN Council

Obama Government Of Tyranny Continues

The socialist Obama administration and their government of tyranny continue this time attacking Arizona again. Last week Hillary Clinton gave the UN Human Rights Council a report condemning Arizona. Obama has, in essence, reported Arizona to the United Nations as being a human rights violator; telling the UN that the Obama administration was protecting human rights in Arizona by filing the lawsuit. continues....

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Conservative America Is Waking Up

YouTube: “Restoring Honor” Rally And America’s Future

The liberal socialist left Democrats are going crazy. Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin drew over 300,000 people to Washington DC last Saturday. Conservative Americans came from across America for the “Honor Rally.” The socialist left can’t draw crowds of this size and they don’t understand Americans refuting their socialist agenda. continued......

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Ground Zero Mosque May Get Public Financing

Our Government Of Tyranny

The Muslim Mosque at Ground Zero could qualify for tax-free financing, a spokesman for City Comptroller John Liu said on Friday. Furthermore Liu is willing to consider approving the public subsidy. Is this a separation of church and state? Where are the socialists who would scream if this were a church and not a mosque? continued.....

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Democrats Have Found Religion And The Constitution

Socialists Argue For Ground Zero Mosque

For the last 40 years or more the socialist Democrats have fought to destroy the Constitution. On a daily basis they have told America that they know the Constitution and will bend it to achieve their goals of socializing America. continued....

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Obama The Separator

Obama Dividing America

United we stand, divided we fall. For two years socialist Barack Hussein Obama campaigned that he would be the great uniter. Since the day he was sworn in Obama has been the opposite. No president has ever divided the country like Obama has. continued......

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Are The Socialist Democrats In Retreat?

Progressive Movement Has Conference

A who’s who of the progressive movement met for a conference call organized by Families USA and hosted by the advocacy group for government-run health care, The Herndon Alliance. The Alliance’s partners include AARP, AFL-CIO, SEIU, MoveOn and La Raza, among many others. They were there to deliver some bad news. continued....

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Home Sales Plunge Unemployment High

Biden Says Economy Is Improving

What planet is Joe Biden on? He said this week the economy is improving. Not in America it isn’t. U.S. home sales plummeted in July to a level not seen in more than a decade, spurring fears of renewed weakness in housing prices and the broader economy. Last week the weekly unemployment was up. Does that sound like an improving economy?continued...

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Rasmussen Poll On Voter Id / Illegal Aliens

America Speaks While Obama Administration Ignores Us

A recent Rasmussen poll shows that an overwhelming majority of likely voters, 82% believe all voters should show photo ID before they are allowed to vote (that includes a majority in every demographic group). Only 14% disagree. This is the highest level of support for photo ID since Rasmussen started polling the question in 2006. continued...

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Intel CEO Says Democrats Destroying America

Otellini “Jobs will not be created here”

Intel CEO Otellini predicted that unless government policies are altered, “the next big thing will not be invented here. Jobs will not be created here.” America’s legal environment has become so hostile to business, Otellini said, that there is likely to be “an inevitable erosion and shift of wealth, much like we’re seeing today in Europe–this is the bitter truth.” continued...

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Tax Dollars For Ground Zero Imam Trip And Book

American Taxpayers Paying For Daisy Khan Trip Too

American tax dollars are now paying for a Middle East trip for Daisy Khan who is Rauf’s wife. We found out before that American tax dollars were paying for a trip for Imam Rauf to the Middle East. Is this where Rauf is getting funds to build the Ground Zero mosque? continued....

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Obamanomics Destroying America

Obama’s Socialist Agenda Destroying The American Dream

The socialist policies of Barack Hussein Obama are destroying America and the American dream. How many more months must Americans endure near-double-digit unemployment, little or no new-job creation, economic stagnation, a topsy-turvy stock market, and sagging consumer confidence before Washington politicians concede the "summer of recovery" is mostly a mirage? continued...

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Money To Pay For Michelle Obama's Nutrition Initiative

Socialist Democrats after Food Stamps Again

First the socialist Democrats went after food stamp money to prop up the teachers union. Most of the billions in that bill never were meant to save or create teacher jobs, it was meant to prop up teacher retirement plans. Only in America can you take food out of people’s mouths to prop up teacher’s retirement plans. Now Michelle Obama has a new nutrition initiative. Of course take money from food stamps to pay for a nutrition initiative. continued......

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Monday, August 23, 2010

Will Union Workers Build Ground Zero Mosque?

Many Union Workers Saying NO

There is a growing number of New York construction workers who are vowing not to work on the mosque planned near Ground Zero. "It's a very touchy thing because they do not want to do this on sacred ground," said Dave Kaiser, 38, a blaster who is working to rebuild the World Trade Center site. continued....

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Obama Misrepresents Project In Columbus, Ohio

Obama Has Problem Telling America The Truth

Socialist Barack Hussein Obama spoke at the North Side home of architect Joe Weithman, and both Obama's comments and information from the White House touted Weithman's work on a project that Obama said was being at least partially funded by the $787 billion stimulus bill passed last year. That is a total misrepresentation of the facts. continued....

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pro And Con Rallies On Ground Zero Mosque

It Is Not An Issue Of Religious Freedom

The liberal socialist left / Democrats were chanting: "We don't care what bigots say, religious freedom is here to stay." When did the socialists start caring about religious freedom? They daily try to remove religion from every aspect of American life. But for terrorists they tout its religious freedom. continued....

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Friday, August 20, 2010

YouTube: 9/11 Families Speak Out On Ground Zero Mosque

Would Ground Zero Mosque Bring Sharia Law?

You don't have to be prejudiced against Islam to believe, as many Americans do, that the area around Ground Zero is a sacred place. The American people find articulating their concern over the proposed Ground Zero mosque near the site of the 9/11 attacks problematic. On one hand, many view the First Amendment a shield of protection for religious freedom, on the other hand, some view the First Amendment as providing a haven for religions with a hostile political agenda wrapped in cleric's robes. continued.....

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Associated Press Helping Obama On Ground Zero Mosque

‘Stop Using the Phrase “Ground Zero Mosque”’

The Associated Press has publicly released an advisory memo to its reporters on how to cover the Ground Zero mosque story. The first rule is that journalists must immediately stop calling it the "Ground Zero mosque" story. "We should continue to avoid the phrase ‘Ground zero mosque' or ‘mosque at ground zero' on all platforms," reads the advisory, which was issued by the AP's Standards Center...continued...

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Jobless Claims Highest In 9 Months

Obama’s Summer OF NO Recovery

Socialist Barack Hussein Obama has been on his “Summer of Recovery” for months wasting tax dollars lying to America that the economy is getting better. Employers are laying off workers again as the economic recovery weakens. The number of people applying for unemployment benefits reached the half-million mark last week for the first time since November. continued...

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Poll Shows America Thinks Obama Is A Muslim

Obama’s Behavior And Words Have Consequences

Americans increasingly are convinced that socialist Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim, and a growing number are thoroughly confused about his religion. Is it any wonder? Obama is learning behavior and words have consequences. continued....

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pelosi Investigating Those Against Ground Zero Mosque

Pelosi Doesn’t Care Where Money To Build The Mosque Comes From

Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House of Representatives and an embarrassment to America. Pelosi is another of the socialist elitist completely out of touch with working America. On KCBS radio in San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi began calls for investigations into opponents of the Ground Zero mosque. Would it be more appropriate to investigate where the $100 million plus dollars to build it is coming from? continued...

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UAW Would Rather Lose Jobs Than Take Pay Cut

Obamamotors UAW Won’t Negotiate To Save Jobs

Obamamotors UAW Local 23 in Indianapolis, IN would rather lose their jobs early next year than negotiate and vote on a pay cut. JD Norman Industries of Addison, Ill., had asked for pay cuts as a condition for buying the plant. Barring a sale, GM has said it will close the plant. continued...

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Obama “Let’s reach for hope”

Obama On Yet Another Campaign Trip At Your Expense

"Don't give in to fear," Obama said Monday in his latest ominous vision of a country led by the Republican Party. "Let's reach for hope." This is the message socialist Barack Hussein Obama has settled on for the pivotal midterm elections, which means what he said Monday in Milwaukee will sound like what he says Tuesday in Seattle and Wednesday in Miami. continued...

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Obama Doesn’t Get America

Ground Zero Mosque Is The Latest Example

Barack Hussein Obama’s statements regarding the proposed Ground Zero mosque is the latest in a series of indicators that we are at a very unfortunate crossroads: We have a president who doesn’t get America. For the first time in history we have a president whose default setting is in opposition to the general sensibilities of the American people. continued.....

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Monday, August 16, 2010

Hamas Supports Obama On Ground Zero Mosque

Schumer Remains Silent On Hamas Support

After Barack Hussein Obama’s controversial decision to support the construction of a mosque near Ground Zero in New York City, countless individuals have stepped forward and shared their position on this issue, including the co-founder of Hamas, Mahmoud al-Zahar, who said yesterday that Muslims “have to build” the mosque. continued.....

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Why Doesn’t Obama Support Rebuilding St. Nicholas Church?

Obama Build Mosque At Ground Zero And Silent On Church

St. Nicholas Church is an Orthodox Christian church that was destroyed in the 9/11 attack. We have seen socialist Barack Hussein Obama, Chuck Schumer, and Mayor Blumberg all come out in support of building a Muslim mosque at Ground Zero. Why haven’t any of them supported St. Nicholas Church? continued...

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Obama Hosts Ramadan Dinner At White House

Obama States He Supports Mosque At Ground Zero

At Ramadan dinner at the White House, socialist Barack Hussein Obama betrayed Americans who are standing against the Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero. Obama said, “The country's founding principles demanded no less.” continued...

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Socialist Democrats & Gays Boycott Target

Democrats & Gays Attempt To Stifle First Amendment

The First Amendment guarantees free speech. The Supreme Court ruled that businesses have the right to make campaign donations. The socialist Democrats and gays are attempting to stifle the First Amendment rights of Target. They are starting a boycott of Target because of a campaign contribution. continued....

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

ACORN Is Alive And Kicking

Be Ready For More Illegal Voter Moves By ACORN

Anita MonCrief, a former ACORN employee who blew the whistle on illegal activity within the organization, has joined ACU on the project. MonCrief thinks it’s “business as usual for ACORN. The voter registration arm of ACORN – Project Vote – is not going anywhere,” she said. “It will still be doing the same things it’s been doing since its inception in 1982.” continued....

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Immigration Reform – It Must Be True Reform This Time

Federal Government Must Do Its Job

Before the flames turn to embers from the recent blazing health care debate, the immigration reform battle will begin to rage in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The real issue is not immigration but illegal aliens; there is a distinct difference between the two. We should not and cannot reward people for illegal behavior. Significantly, the last attempt at immigration reform has not worked because illegal actions were rewarded with positive rewards. continued.....

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

YouTube: Marco Rubio Says Reid’s Remarks “Outrages”

Reid Makes Racists Remark

Harry Reid shows again it’s alright to be a bigoted racist if you are a socialist Democrat. This time Marco Rubio (R-FL) took Reid to task. Rubio is of Hispanic decent and is running for the Senate. There is a reason that Rubio now leads in the polls. Too bad Reid is too bigoted to see why a person of Hispanic heritage would choose to be a Republican. continued....

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Florida Attorney General McCollum Proposes New Illegal Alien Law

YouTube: Says Florida Law Will Go Further Than Arizona's

Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum has proposed tougher curbs against illegal aliens in his melting-pot state that he said would go "one step further" than a similar contested Arizona law. Presenting the proposed measures at an event in Orlando McCollum said, “This legislation will provide new enforcement tools for protecting our citizens and will help our state fight the ongoing problem created by illegal immigration." continued...

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Obama’s Failed Stimulus Bill

The Stimulus Bill Wasn’t Meant To Stimulate The Economy

Most Americans now understand that Socialist Barack Hussein Obama’s stimulus bill is a colossal failure. The bill was never meant to stimulate the economy. The stimulus bill is a huge socialist Democrat pork bill. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid told the Democrats give us everything on your wish list. That is the non stimulus bill. continued...

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Singing The National Anthem At The Lincoln Memorial Not Allowed

Is This Really Happening In America?

High school students from around the country learned a lesson the hard way on June 25 when they sang the “Star Spangled Banner” at the Lincoln Memorial. A United States Park Police officer told them to pipe down because their singing was considered an illegal demonstration. The students, who are members of the Young America’s Foundation, were visiting the city for a conservative leadership conference. continued.....

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Obama Biggest Pork Earmark In History

More Waste Of Stimulus Funds

Socialist Barack Hussein Obama’s $862 billion Stimulus plan has been an abysmal failure. Now we have the biggest pork earmark in American history and it has been doled out to a company in Illinois, Obama’s home state, in the name of green jobs. This earmark is an outrage and the signature project of Obama’s Stimulus plan. contiued....

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Teachers Unions Get More Taxpayer Money

Obama Democrats Keep Paying Off Unions

In governing, choices are made. You can learn a lot about politicians with how freely and where they spend taxpayer money. Socialist Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats make no pretense about where their priorities lay and their willingness to do anything and everything for the unions. continued.....

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Monday, August 9, 2010

Teachers Union Promotes Alinsky Radical Revolution Guide

NEA And Their Progressive (Socialist) Agenda

The NEA teachers union advocates a host of leftist positions. They are one of the worst offenders when it comes to promoting the ‘progressive‘i.e. socialist agenda. Now they are pushing a radical leftist (socialist) guide to revolution by Sol Alinsky on their web site. continued.....

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NEA Celebrates Anniversary Of The Communist Takeover Of China

NEA Hero Is Mao Zedong

The NEA posted this on its website calendar as a diversity event for October 1, celebrating the anniversary of the Communist takeover of China by Mao Zedong. The largest teachers union in America, the National Education Association (NEA), wants to celebrate Communism. continued....

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Stimulus Money Used For Tunnel To Nowhere

Obama Democrats Waste Stimulus Money

The trillion dollar stimulus package has been a colossal failure. Socialist Barack Hussein Obama told America he had to have the stimulus package to keep unemployment from going over 8%. Unemployment has been around 9.5% for over a year. The Democrats including Obama tell us it may go higher before it drops...more...

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Teachers Union Wants Viagra

Some Teachers Could Lose Their Job

The Milwaukee teachers union is taking a peculiar stand, fighting to get its taxpayer-funded Viagra back. This at a time the district is in a financial crisis and hundreds of its members are facing layoffs. The union has asked a judge to order the school board to again include Pfizer Inc.'s erectile dysfunction drug and similar pills in its health insurance plans...more...

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Obama Presidency Of Tyranny

Socialist Democrats Total Disconnect With America

America in her 200+ years of storied history has never seen or experienced anything like we have since January 20, 2009. We now have a President who has no concern for law or the Constitution. Obama’s is a presidency of tyranny. Socialist Barack Hussein Obama has decided what America will be like in the future and he is going to make it happen if at all possible. His goal is to punish America for his view of our past misdeeds...more...

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The Regal Obama Presidency

Michelle Obama Vacation Costs Millions While Americans Suffering

When did the Presidency become royalty? Do the socialists Barack Hussein and Michelle Obama care that millions of Americans are suffering? Do they care over 171,000 people lost their jobs in July? The gala parties and trips of the Obama’s that taxpayers pay for as the economy sinks further is outlandish...more...

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Friday, August 6, 2010

YouTube: Obama Lied For Vets Support

Socialist Obama Said Father Was In WWII

Does socialist Barack Hussein Obama know the difference between truth and lies? Does Obama have no shame with his constant lies? In an attempt get to Vets support Obama spoke about his father coming home from WWII. Is he a compulsive liar? Were there no reporters who double checked these statements and called him on this?more...

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YouTube: Stark “The Federal Government can do most anything in this country”

You Tube: Pete Stark Mocks Border Problems

In a recent town hall meeting Representative Pete Stark made the infamous comments as he rudely mocked the people attending and the people living along the border with "the borders are quite secure." It backfired on him and has officially appointed himself the "poster boy" of what's gone wrong with American politicians. That hasn’t slowed Stark down with his idiotic remarks...more...

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Virginia AG Officers Can Check Immigration Status

YouTube: Cuccinelli Is Officers Discretion On Immigration Check

Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli underscored that in Virginia pursuing immigration offenses is up to the officers, not required, as it is under Arizona's controversial immigration law said in an interview with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren. Although not a perfect with Arizona the AG issued a legal opinion that seemed to align his Virginia with Arizona in the battle over local immigration enforcement...more...

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Missouri Voters No To Key Obamacare Provisions

America Rejecting Obama’s Socialist Health Care

Missouri voters Tuesday sent a clear message of discontent to Washington and Democrats less than 100 days before the midterm elections. They overwhelmingly rejected a key provision of Barack Hussein Obama’s health care law. Missouri doesn’t want Obamacare...more...

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Has A Mexican Drug Cartel Put A Bounty On Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio?

Where Is Obama And The Federal Government

In America can really have a Mexican drug cartel putting a bounty on an Arizona sheriff’s head? While parts of Arizona's immigration law, SB 1070, went into effect last week, a Mexican drug cartel sent out text and audio messages offering rewards to anyone who would join its fight, a source who says his wife received the message told MyFoxPhoenix.com...more...

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‘Our Own Government Has Become Our Enemy’ Says Arizona Sheriff

YouTube: Brewer to Obama: Warning Signs Are Not Enough

Sheriff Paul Babeu Pinal County Arizona said that rather than help law enforcement in Arizona stop the hundreds of thousands of people who come into the United States illegally, the federal government is targeting the state and its law enforcement personnel. Our government under socialist Barack Hussein Obama has become our enemy...more...

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Monday, August 2, 2010

YouTube Palin: What Brewer Has And Obama Doesn’t

Sarah Palin Uses Spanish Slang Cojones

Sarah Palin praised Arizona Governor Jan Brewer on Fox News Sunday. She was asked about last week's injunction against the most controversial parts of Arizona's law and the state's effort to press forward with its immigration enforcement plans. "Jan Brewer has the cojones that our president does not have," Palin said. "If our own president will not enforce our federal law, more power to Jan Brewer."more...

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Is Christianity Being Banned On College Campuses?

Students Expelled For Being Christians

Should colleges put a sign out front that says, “Christianity Not Accepted Here?” That’s the fate of two college graduate school students at separate universities. Eastern Michigan University and Augusta State University are expelling students for having Christian views...more...

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Unions Own Socialist Democrats

More Union Specific Legislation

Create Jobs and Save Benefits Act (S.3157) sounds like a piece of good legislation. What it really is though is another union bailout that will cost taxpayers at least $165 billion. The unions own socialist Democrats. The Democrats desperately want this legislation as another vote buying payment to the unions. Every piece of legislation that has passed since socialist Barack Hussein Obama was sworn in has had union bailouts in it. continued.....

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Did Elana Kagan Defraud The Supreme Court?

Did Kagan Defraud On Partial-Birth Abortion?

Dozens of pro-life organizations are already asking the Senate to investigate Kagan's 1997 amendment to an American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists report, which was then used by the Supreme Court as justification for overturning Nebraska's partial-birth abortion ban in 2000. Did Elana Kagan defraud the Supreme Court? continued....

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