Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Obama Moves To Nationalize GM & Chrysler

Socialists Move To Destroy Auto Makers

Socialist Barack Hussein Obama sent some chilling messages to American businesses in the last two weeks. Do as I the messiah tells you or else. Socialist Obama sent his ACORN thugs out to terrorize AIG employees and their families. Now the messiah has decided to tell American business leaders you will be replaced if you don’t do as told..more...

Are Liberals Really Traitors?

Liberal Obama & Democrats Attack Capitalism & Democracy

Is it possible to be a true American, love America and still be a liberal? Are liberals really traitors? Looking at the liberal beliefs it would seem impossible to imagine how they can love America. Although many if not most liberals thrive in our capitalistic society they despise it..more...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Socialist Obama & Democrats Destroying America

Bailouts & Stimulus Bills Are To Destroy America

Socialist Barack Hussein Obama, Comrade Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the Democrats want to destroy the American economy. By destroying the economy they get more power and control. For these socialist it’s all about power and control. Socialist Obama has been President for less than 75 days. With the help of Comrade Pelosi and Reid the socialist Obama has amassed more debt for America than all previous Presidents combined. In conjunction with this drunken spending binge the Federal Reserve has cranked up the printing press and is turning out 100’s billions of dollars..more...

Gov. Kathleen Sebelius Involved In Non Profits Funding Ethical Problem

Another Obama Appointee with Ethical Problem

Kansas lawmakers want to know whether a suburban Kansas City nonprofit used its political connections to Gov. Sebelius to get a special funding increase last fall. But a hearing into the matter left lawmakers with more questions than answers..more...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

ACORN Fraud & 2010 Census

ACORN Is A Corrupt Socialist Organization

The U.S. Census is supposed to be free of politics, but one group with a history of voter fraud, ACORN, is participating in next year's count. With over 12 million Americans without a job, why is the Census using ACORN?..more...

Guantanamo Terrorists May Be Released In America

Liberal Obama Considers Giving Terrorists Full American Benefits And Rights

Attorney General Eric Holder said some detainees being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, may end up being released in the U.S. as the Obama administration works with foreign allies to resettle some of the prisoners. Yes, America released not held and tried and he said before..more...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Stop Socialist Democrats In New York

Election Can Show America Says No To Socialism

On March 31 there is a Special Congressional Election in the 20th District of New York. This district includes Albany and the area just north of New York City. Voter registration shows that the district leans Republican..more...

Vitter / Shadegg No Cost Stimulus Bill

2 Million Jobs No Cost To Taxpayers

America Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) and Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ) are offering a no cost stimulus bill. This bill will produce 2 million jobs. Not the make work jobs of the liberal Democrats..more...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Obama Smart Meter In Your Home & California To Ban Black Cars

Is Orwell’s 1984 Here In 2009?

Has Orwell’s 1984 arrived America? Socialist Barack Hussein Obama wants complete control of your life. Government intrusion will be the rule of the day if socialist Obama and the socialist Democrats have their way..more...

Liberal Obama Lack Of Ethics & Morals

Obama Shuns His Own Family

Again we see liberal Barack Hussein Obama has no feelings or care for his family. America do you really think he cares about you and what happens to you? Obama shows a complete lack of ethics, morals, and Christian values..more...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Socialist Geithner, AIG, Global Currency

Geithner Lies To Rep. Bachman & Bernanke Dodges Answers

The House Financial Services Committee held hearings on AIG. Representative Michelle Bachmann (R-MINN) was the hero of the hearing. Socialist Geithner did as he does best he evaded most questions and lied..more...

Liberal Geithner & Bernanke Have No Ethics

Morally Bankrupt Liberals

Are there any liberals left who have ethics and are not morally bankrupt? I’d have to say no there aren’t. Never in America have the ends justified the means as they do now. Liberals now will say and do anything to further the liberal agenda of making America a socialist country..more...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Socialist Obama’s Staged Press Conference

Press Conference Has All Questions And Answers Before It Starts

The Presidential Press Conference was a joke. You could get transcripts before it started. Socialist Barack Hussein Obama had a list of reporters and what order to call them. The reporter’s questions were clearly scripted. Obama used a television in front of him with his answers so people couldn’t make fun of his teleprompters.

This was a staged press conference for socialist Obama to pedal more of his socialist agenda. All of the questions and answers were rehearsed..more...

Comrade Pelosi To Illegal’s They Are Patriotic

Socialist Pelosi Says It’s Un-American To Enforce Immigration Laws

America Comrade Pelosi, the speaker of the House told a group of both legal and illegal immigrants recently that enforcement of immigration laws in the United States is "un-American." Comrade Pelosi is supposed to enforce the laws of America, not tell illegal immigrants that we who believe in the laws and obey them are un-American..more...

Holder Are You The Coward Not America?

Holder Do Your Job As Attorney General

"Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards," Holder said. Race, Holder said, "is an issue we have never been at ease with and, given our nation's history, this is in some ways understandable... If we are to make progress in this area, we must feel comfortable enough with one another and tolerant enough of each other to have frank conversations about the racial matters that continue to divide us."..more...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

April 15th Tax Day Tea Parties Planned in 115 Cities Across the USA

America out in protest against the Socialist actions of Obama and Company!

As we reported back in February at SpeakNowAmerica.org the tea parties that were held all over the country on February 27th, we anticipated would grow and grow and it has taken on a life of its own! Rick Santelli may have not known what a firestorm he unleashed with his rant at the Chicago Board of Trade, February 19th where he launched into a tirade over President Obama's housing bailout plan. What has occurred since has shown the overwhelming sentiment of many Americans who have had it with this socialist government bailouts of the banking industry, the auto industry and everywhere in between with little or NO help trickling to date to the taxpayers. The Socialist Barack Obama has signed off on bills spending trillions of dollars America, how has your life improved this past 100 days with all that money floating around? Hello Anyone? Any Improvement at all? Hellooooooooooooo???..more...

Education, NEA, School Districts, Liberals

The Dumbing Down Of Our Children

Why are School Districts, NEA, and the liberal Democrats against Charter Schools, private schools, and religious schools? Why are School Districts and the NEA afraid of school vouchers? Answer those two questions and you begin to understand the problems today with education in America..more...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Tax Day Tea Parties Planned In More Than 115 Cities!

America out in protest against liberal, bailouts and budgets!

As we reported back in February at SpeakNowAmerica.org the tea parties that were held all over the country on February 27th, we anticipated would grow and grow and it has taken on a life of its own! Rick Santelli may have not known what a firestorm he unleashed with his rant at the Chicago Board of Trade, February 19th where he launched into a tirade over President Obama's housing bailout plan. What has occurred since has shown the overwhelming sentiment of many Americans who have had it with the government bailouts of the banking industry, the auto industry and everywhere in between with little help trickling to date to the taxpayers..more...

Socialist Obama Laughs At Economic Crisis

On 60 Minutes Steve Kroft Asks Obama "Are You Punch Drunk?"

Socialist Barack Hussein Obama was on 60 minutes with Steve Kroft and laughed at America’s economic crisis. It got so bad that Steve Kroft asked him, "Are you punch drunk?"..more...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Socialist Obama Insults Handicapped & Special Olympics

Obama Cold Callous Remark On Jay Leno

Socialist Barack Hussein Obama insulted all of America with his cold callous remark on Jay Leno. How can any human being insult the Special Olympics and the handicapped? The answer is easy. Socialist Obama is a cold callous person with no empathy for human beings..more...

Dodd & Geithner, Liars With No Ethics

AIG Families In Danger Because Liberal Democrats Have No Ethics

When have we ever seen the lack of ethics and morals as we now see with the Democrats? Liberal Democrat after liberal Democrat gets in front of a camera and lies to the American people. When caught in the lies they blame it on someone other than themselves, saying someone else made them do it..more...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Military Health Care Safe For Now

For Now Socialist Obama Says No On Military Health Care Agenda

Having shown complete disregard for the heroes who serve America in the military, socialist Obama and Democrats were proposing to bill private insurance companies for charges related to these heroes military service. While willing to spend over $680 billion as a down payment on health care for those who won’t work or buy their own the socialists had decided they could get $540 billion from service men and women’s injuries..more...

Education Needs Ethics, Morals, And Christian Values

Eliminate Political Correctness, Get Back To Basics

Many words have been written and many speeches made about education. The more said the more ridiculous it gets. The liberals answer is always more money and more power to the NEA. The more money spent the less education the children are receiving..more...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Socialist Dodd Lies About AIG

Dodd As Socialist Do Tries to Blame Others

Socialist Dodd lied to America about AIG and language he put in stimulus bill to protect the retention bonuses at AIG. Now in typical socialist fashion Dodd is blaming others for what he did. The Treasury Department demanded that Sen. Chris Dodd insert exemptions into the stimulus bill that allowed bailout recipients to receive bonuses, socialist Dodd said on Wednesday..more...

Liberal Obama Agenda Relies On Class Warfare

Liberal Tactic Pit One Group Against Another

For over 40 years the liberal Democrats have promoted class warfare. Liberal Obama promotes class warfare and his agenda relies on it. The spineless socialist drive-by media promotes this class warfare. They have no ethics or morals. The liberals wouldn’t know what a Christian value is..more...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Obama, Geithner, Dodd, and AIG

The Socialists Knew About Retention Bonuses

Once again socialist Obama and team are fumbling the ball. Proof keeps coming out that Obama, Geithner, and Dodd knew about the retention bonuses for AIG employees. As is the normal socialist Obama trait you dodge and sway rather than tell the truth..more...

Unions Beware Of Liberals

Liberals Use Unions As They Do Other Groups

The unions across America beware. The liberals as soon as they have enough power won’t need you any longer. The liberals are using you as they do other groups. When they no longer need you to accomplish their goals they will turn on you. Unions, your best friend have never been the liberals..more...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Socialist Obama Military Healthcare

Obama Shafts Wounded Veterans

Socialist Barack Hussein Obama is ready to shaft wounded veterans. Obama plans to charge private medical insurance companies for medical costs incurred from injuries sustained by military men and women while serving America..more...

Liberal Obama Military Healthcare

Obama Shows No Morals To Wounded Veterans

Liberal Obama is breaking a sacred trust with our military. This is one more liberal step to weaken and destroy America. Telling our brave men and women we are taking their medical care away is immoral and unethical. The two most descriptive words for a liberal especially Obama..more...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

AIG Rewards Failure And Poor Performance

Taxpayers Lose $165 Million For Bonuses For Failure

AIG has taken a page from the NEA and public schools by rewarding failure. Now it’s costing taxpayers $165 million to reward executives and employees who did a poor job. Socialist Obama and Democrats don’t know what to do. The socialist Democrats pushed all this bailout money down our throats with no checks and balances. Now they act innocent just as they did about causing the economic crisis in the beginning. Surely they can blame another socialist mess on others..more...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Education American Style

Socialist Obama and the Democrats Want Your Children Dumbed Down

Education American style has become the rewriting of history to fit the socialist agenda and "political correctness". The socialist Barack Hussein Obama and Democrats want and need our children dumbed down to promote destroying America as we know it..more...

Star Trek, the Borgs, Socialism

Resistance is Critical America Vs. Socialist Democrats

"Resistance is futile…" Thus began the warning – designed to ward off self-defense and weaken resolve – offered any time a culture or individual fought assimilation into the Borg collective..more...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

China’s Leaders Worried About US Treasury Holdings

China Warning America What To Do

China's Premier in a very implied warning to Washington was blunt: Don't devalue the dollar through reckless spending. Premier Wen Jiabao's message is unlikely to be misunderstood at the White House and socialist Obama..more...


Our Default Impulses Have Always Tended Toward Evil Rather Than Good
By Brenda

There are many questions concerning the basic nature of mankind that are key to communication and understanding between different groups of people. If my basic views are vastly different from yours, the words I use will suggest an image in your mind which I didn't intend. When you respond to what I said, your words will likely convey an image which you did not intend. The resulting confusion and frustration will lead to a breakdown of communication, and leave us both less inclined to try to talk to one another again. Our basic world view will often not be clear and conscious, but rather be a vague set of impressions and feelings that we cannot articulate; importantly, however, that world view forms our meanings. Political discussion is a type of communication where this is very obvious..more...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Economists Say Socialists Obama & Geithner Fail

Even Democrats Question Policies

Economists and even other socialist Democrats are questioning socialists Obama and Geithner on their economic policies. The economists say the socialists fail on the economy..more...

Can Liberals Have Ethics And Morals?

Are Liberals The Opposite Of Christians?

Do you think it’s possible to be a liberal and have ethics and morals? In reality, are liberals the opposite of Christians? Liberals have the intentions of doing good and helping, the question is though, good for who? For the most part is the good the liberals think they are doing helping or hurting those they say their helping? Have you ever heard a liberal say when referring to their ideas. "That didn’t work"?..more...

Friday, March 13, 2009

President Comrade Pelosi & Jet Aircraft

Comrade Pelosi United States Military Her Personal Airline

Now Comrade President Pelosi has her own personal airline. To the dismay of taxpayers it is the United States Military Comrade Pelosi has relegated to be her personal airline. This is the same Military that Comrade Pelosi has maligned for years..more...

Liberals are Compromisers

Liberalism Is Dangerous

Everyone knows that liberals exist; our country is divided over the differences in liberalism and conservatism. Liberalism in the world is destructive; in the work of the church, it causes even greater damage. While a foreign concept to many who claim to be Christians or those who look for ways to injure Christians, this concept is often cited as harsh and unloving. It is, however, very important to see this matter for what it really is; sin. Like the ugly neon-yellow, green, and purple polka-dotted VW tooling around Austin: once you’ve seen it, you can’t unsee it..more...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Obama Reacts to "Is He A Socialist?"

Obama Policies Are Socialist

The first six weeks have given people a glimpse of your spending priorities. Are you a socialist as some people have suggested? "The answer would be no," he said, laughing for a moment before defending his administration for "making some very tough choices" on the budget..more...

Karl Malone A Great American

Malone On Hannity Show

Karl Malone was on The Hannity Show and what I saw and heard was a great American. After it was over I remembered what has always made me very proud to be an American. It also pointed out how badly the socialists have hurt this great country..more...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

President Pelosi Second Stimulus Package

Pelosi Will Tell Obama When It’s Time

So far when it comes to spending and the ridiculous bills going through Congress so far it has been President Pelosi telling socialist Obama what will happen. Comrade Pelosi decides what will be spent where...more...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Socialist Obama Democrats Want Fairness Doctrine

Obama Has Henchmen Pass "Diversity In Communication Media Ownership"

Though the Senate last week passed legislation (S.Amdt.573) that prohibits the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from reinstituting the fairness doctrine, it also approved an amendment by Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), "encouraging and promoting diversity in communication media ownership," which is really just a new means of censorship on the airways and will give the FCC unfettered authority to interpret the language of the legislation in any way they please..more...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Socialist Obama Carbon Tax & Cap & Trade

Carbon Tax Will Destroy American Economy

If Barack Hussein Obama’s socialist budget is passed the federal government will soon begin tapping into a huge new source of revenue by requiring companies to pay for the permission to emit so-called greenhouse gasses linked to global warming. This is nothing but a tax on hard working Americans. Electricity, gas, food, and everything you purchase will cost more because of this tax..more...

Jesus is the World’s Only Savior

Obama Is No Savior

Matthew J. Clark – an artist whose work incites concerns of blasphemy and sacrilege – has created a "rubbery Barack Obama sculpture saddled on the back of a donkey," according to Charlotte Eby, columnist for Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier. She continues, "a pair of black SUVs led the procession and two more trailed behind, Secret Service-style. A couple of the SUVs were decked out with tiny American flags. A few men led the Donkey down the street and a woman made her way along the sidewalk, keeping up with the procession and handing out palm branches to the few perplexed onlookers who had gathered on the sidewalks to see what the fuss wasabout."..more...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Socialist Democrats & Global UN Taxes

Why Do Socialist Democrats Want UN Taxing Americans

Why did the socialist Democrats in the Senate defeat an amendment to the omnibus appropriations bill to reinstitute a long-standing policy of preventing the United Nations from using any U.S. funds from appropriations bill to pursue global tax schemes? By a vote of 43-51 the amendment was defeated. This provision has appeared in every annual appropriations bill since 1996, and this year marks the first time an annual appropriations bill will not contain this policy...more...

Life As We Know It To Radically Change Under Socialist Democrats

Obama Wants To Control You America

Life as we know it is about to radically change, folks. We watched the socialist Democrats and their new 'leader' (and many more converted sheeple) sell the country to the lowest bidders and now they are parceling it out to the highest. The upcoming invasion of privacy, freedoms, finances, choices, and our very lives is about to scare the socks off anyone with a brain...more...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Socialist Obama Policies Destroying Economy

Unemployment Up DOW Crashing

President Barack Hussein Obama tells America daily this is the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. You willed it and it has happened. Socialist Obama it wasn’t the worst economic crisis when you took office. The crisis President Reagan inherited was far worse.

Liberals & Conservatives Do Words Mean The Same Thing?

Liberals Believe Socialism, Communism Is The Ideal System

There are many questions concerning the basic nature of mankind that are key to communication and understanding between different groups of people. If my basic views are vastly different from yours, the words I use will suggest an image in your mind which I didn't intend. When you respond to what I said, your words will likely convey an image which you did not intend...more...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Death of the Nation I Once Knew

Socialism Now Rules America

Did you ever imagine that you would see the day that America would give in to anti-capitalism, socialism, anti-individualism and anti-self accountability?..more...

Obama Promotes Class Warfare

Socialist Obama Agenda Relies On Class Warfare

For over 40 years the socialist Democrats have promoted class warfare. Socialist Obama promotes class warfare and his agenda relies on it. The spineless socialist drive-by media promotes this class warfare...more....

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Liberals Inevitably Choose To Follow The Humanist, Evil God Of Self

Conservatives Choose To Follow God One Day Our Eyes Will be Opened

Genesis 3:1-5 (NKJV)
1 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?"...more...

Pork, Kool-Aid, and a Pacifier

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, & Al Franken Have A Picnic

The Democrats are throwing America a huge picnic, folks, and for once, conservative, non-liberals are the guests of honor. Whoopee, you say? Fair reaction. What’s on the menu? Fair question...more...

New Conservative Christian Views

New Conservative Christian Values, Morals, & Ethics

Today we at SpeakNowAmerica.org embark on a new journey. We are starting a new Christian blog with strong Christian views, values, morals, and ethics. We start this journey with open minds and open hearts. Today we start SpeakNowConservaties.org. more...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Michael Steele Socialist Obama Is Problem

Chairman Steele, Rush Limbaugh Isn’t The Problem Listen To CPAC Speech

Michael Steele you are Chairman of the RNC. If you want the socialist agenda of Barack Hussein Obama to succeed then you are in the wrong party. Socialist Obama and his agenda is the problem. Rush Limbaugh and the 20 million + who listen to Rush aren’t the problem...more...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Socialist Obama Wall Street & Economy Collapsing

It’s Your Economy Obama And You Are Failing

Socialist Barack Hussein Obama it’s your economy now and you are failing badly. Wall Street and the economy are collapsing. The Dow closed below 7,000 for the first time since 1997. You can’t blame anyone or anything but yourself and your policies....more....

Monday, March 2, 2009

Rush Limbaugh’s First Address to America At CPAC

Why Does Socialist Obama Want To Destroy America?

"Let me tell you who we conservatives are: We love people. When we look out over the United States of America, when we are anywhere, when we see a group of people, such as this or anywhere, we see Americans. We see human beings. We don’t see groups. We don’t see victims. We don’t see people we want to exploit. What we see — what we see is potential...more....

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Protesters Rally- "Tea Parties" Held in 50 Cities Friday

Stop Socialist Obama And Democrats Join A Tea Party Near You

Jacksonville Landing, Jacksonville Fl was the scene of just one of many protests held as a result of CNBC reporter Rick Santelli's rant earlier in the week about the housing rescue. About 80 protesters gathered to reenact the Boston Tea Party pouring tea into the St. Johns River...more