Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Obama & Pelosi Shredding Constitution

House Will Deem Obamacare Passed With Slaughter Rule

To paraphrase, Barack Hussein Obama said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming America.” Pelosi said meeting with left wing bloggers, "Kick open that door, and there will be other legislation to follow ... We'll take the country in a new direction." We now see Obama and Pelosi will shred the Constitution to pass Obamacare socialized health care..continued...

Moms, Dads, Grandparents we started a forum just for you!! Visit MomsandDadsBeHeard soon! 2010 is a MUST year to be involved. No longer can we sit back and allow our rights to disappear. The 2010 elections may be the deciding factor of America remaining a free Republic or becoming the next 3rd world Banana Republic. Get involved, come speak out!!

Obama On Campaign Trail For Obamacare

Obama Brings Up His “Opponents”

In Obamacare SpeechLast Wednesday socialist Barack Hussein Obama was back in campaign mode. Obama had his sleeves rolled up, there was an old campaign sign in the audience, and he was talking about his “opponents.” This was not a flashback of the presidential campaign, but it does feel awfully similar. Campaign and being a community organizer is all Obama knows..continued...

America do you need a place to vent about the direction our government is taking? Go to MomsAndDadsBeHeard a forum for you to speak out. Help us and be part of bringing our Great country back.