Saturday, November 14, 2009

Muslim Terrorists To Be Tried In New York City

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Afforded American Rights For Killing Americans

Elitist progressive Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder are bowing to political correctness and their liberal left base by trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other terrorists in New York City. They are at the same time putting the people of New York City at jeopardy. The big bulls-eye is New York City..more...

Reid Wants Vote On Anti-Christian Judge Monday

Obama Nominee Hamilton Anti-Christian Pro-Muslim

Elitist progressive Harry Reid (D-NV) said in a floor statement Monday that he will likely file a procedural motion to clear the nomination of David Hamilton, an Indiana native nominated to serve on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. Hamilton is the Judge who ruled it's illegal to pray "in Jesus name" but totally legal to pray to Allah on the floor of the Indiana Legislature..more...