Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Are You Owed Health Care?

Are You Owed Health Care?

Is heath care a right that the government should provide for everyone? Are you owed health care? Is it the government's responsibility to provide health care for everyone? Where in the Constitution is health care provided? Why should hard working Americans pay for freeloader’s health care?more...

Socialist Obama & Democrats Vs. FedEx

Socialist Democrats Want To Destroy Prosperous Business

The socialist Barack Hussein Obama and Democrats have decided they do not want prosperous FedEx to stay prosperous. These socialists want to destroy FedEx. Why? Because FedEx isn’t union.

Rep. James L. Oberstar (D-MN) led the way and the House on May 21 passed legislation that contains an almost hidden provision. It is 230 words that would hobble FedEx Express. It would do so by completely changing the labor laws under which the company operates..more...

Death of the Nation I Once Knew

Socialism Now Rules America
By Douglas

Did you ever imagine that you would see the day that America would give in to anti-capitalism, socialism, anti-individualism and anti-self accountability?

February 17, 2009 will go down in history as the day America was changed forever. The nation that I grew up in will not be the same; my children will never have a chance to experience the nation I grew up in. My mother and father (though divorced) instilled values in me, to work hard in school, take responsibility for what was mine and my actions, and that what someone else had, did not mean that I had access to the same thing. No, if I wanted something I had to earn it myself.

Death of the Nation I Once Knew

Socialism Now Rules America

Did you ever imagine that you would see the day that America would give in to anti-capitalism, socialism, anti-individualism and anti-self accountability?more...